Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Review Feb 2025

Our Verdict 4.7 Though choosing the type of policy you need is straightforward, understanding the ins and outs of how much coverage you need and deciding which company is the best fit isn’t easy. There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all insurance company and our review of Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company (UPCIC) will

By Licensed Agent:  Sa El PublishedMay 6, 2024  UpdatedJanuary 11, 2025

universal property and casualty logo

Our Verdict


Though choosing the type of policy you need is straightforward, understanding the ins and outs of how much coverage you need and deciding which company is the best fit isn’t easy.

There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all insurance company and our review of Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company (UPCIC) will cover how their product works and help you decide if they are the best company for you.


  • Coverage available in typically hard to insure areas
  • Strong track record of paying claims
  • Financial stability as evidence by an A rating
  • Specialized knowledge of coastal communities
  • 24/7 online claims process


  • Coverage not available in all 50 states
  • Difficult to secure multi-policy bundling discounts

Who Is University and Property Casualty?

Founded in 1997, Universal Property & Casualty got its start in Florida. This state is one of the most difficult and expensive to insure.

New legislation about property insurance, the prevalence of hurricanes, and growing instances of insurance fraud have all combined to make Florida one of the most expensive states to insure.

universal property and casualty

Policies are often double that of the national average.

It was in this challenging environment that UPCIC entered the marketplace.

Fast forward 20 plus years later, and University Property and Casualty now covers 18 states and serves 800,000 customers.

The company is owned by Universal Insurance Holdings, which is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

The existence of a parent company can be thought of as providing stability, credibility, and accountability, which is a necessary trust factor when it comes to insuring your home.

You can be confident that a publicly-traded company won’t try to scam you or rip you off!

The one potential downside is that consumers could end up paying higher premiums or having less generous claim compensation if the company’s stockholders value profit over service.

To minimize this concern, we found that UPCIC is A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau. Further, they have an A Financial Stability Rating from Demotech.


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What Makes University and Property Casualty Insurance Different?

Because University Property and Casualty is owned by such a large parent entity, the company has been able to provide services that a smaller company wouldn’t have the resources to create or manage.

For example, UPCIC has a platform called Universal Direct that allows consumers to get a quote online without having to be bombarded by independent agents.

We know how annoying it can be to shop for insurance and get dozens of phone calls for weeks on end just because you made a simple inquiry.

Once you find the coverage that best suits your needs, you can purchase it on the spot without having to speak with an agent! Of course, that option is still available for you if you’d like it.

Features & Benefits

Universal Property and Casualty offers a full suite of coverage options at competitive pricing.

Whether you’re a homeowner, renter, landlord, or HOA association, you can secure coverage for what matters most.

Customized Coverage

Universal Property and Casualty gives you options to pay only for what you need without having to pay for coverage that isn’t relevant to your situation.

They also have generous discounts available for senior citizen occupants, loyalty, burglar and fire alarms, reinforced shutters, and more.

Fast Track

One of the biggest complaints against home insurance companies is how long they take to process claims.

With the Fast Track feature, customers have their claims processed and paid on the spot.

Online Quotes

Getting home insurance quotes can be a nightmare.

In general, there’s not a lot of transparency. In most cases, you won’t know what a quote costs or what it includes until you talk to an insurance broker or agent.

With University Property and Casualty, you can get an instant online quote and even chat with an online agent for immediate assistance.

As you go through the process, you can customize your coverage and use the prepopulated coverage fields to get a baseline reference for potential coverage.

One of our favorite features of the online quote tool is seeing how the premium is affected for each adjustment you make to your potential coverage.

Mobile App

Every policy comes with a free smartphone app for iOS and Android devices. You can track your claim, manage your policies, and pay your bills with ease.


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AlabamaALAlaskaAKArizonaAZArkansasARCaliforniaCAColoradoCOConnecticutDelawareFloridaFLGeorgiaGAIdahoIDIllinoisILIndianaINIowaIAKansasKSKentuckyKYLouisianaLAMaineMEMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMIMinnesotaMNMississippiMSMissouriMOMontanaMTNebraskaNENevadaNVNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNMNew YorkNYNorth CarolinaNCNorth DakotaNDOhioOHOklahomaOKOregonORPennsylvaniaPARhode IslandSouth CarolinaSCSouth DakotaSDTennesseeTNTexasTXUtahUTVermontVirginiaVAWashingtonWAWest VirginiaWVWisconsinWIWyomingWYVermontVTNew HampshireNHMassachusettsMAConnecticutCTNew JerseyNJMarylandMDHawaiiHIRhode IslandRIDelawareDE VIEW RATES IN YOUR STATE

Product Availability

Currently, University Property and Casualty offers coverage in 18 states:

  • Alabama
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • Virginia

Claims Process & Guarantee

Current policyholders can choose from two methods to file a claim:

  • Online via a policyholder portal
  • Over the telephone by dialing 800-425-9113 (business hours only)

To ensure your claim gets processed speedily, UPCIC gives you a framework and instructions so that you know what information you need to provide.

This includes taking photos of your property and not discarding anything until an adjuster can evaluate the damage.

Here’s a pro tip: make sure you are honest and upfront in the beginning or risk having your claim denied.

For example, in some locations, University Property and Casualty does not insure homes that use portable heating as it’s deemed a major safety hazard and source of home fires.

If you do use portable heat, you may be ineligible for coverage.

If you say you don’t use portable heat and then try to file a claim after a house fire caused by a portable heater, your claim will likely be denied.


Taking Action

Universal Property and Casualty Insurance Company has been criticized in the past for having high rates and not having ample choices for bundling discounts.

While it’s true that they don’t have life insurance policies, for example, they have added auto insurance to their portfolio.

Even if you don’t ultimately choose UPCIC, we strongly recommend going through their automated quote process.

You’ll be able to see how different preferences affect your overall rate. From there, you can compare policies from a variety of companies.

Don’t be surprised if UPCIC has the best price! Click here to get started.


Sa El

Sa El is the Co-Founder of Simply Insurance and a licensed Insurance Agent with over 16 years of experience in the industry. He specializes in Life & Health Insurance and is certified in Long Term Care Insurance in the state of Georgia. a licensed real estate agent in the state of Georgia (License #382602), an entrepreneur, insurance educator, and freelance writer.